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Welcome to silent-starry-darkness.blogspot.com.

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Hate me ? Find this blog stupid ?
I'm sorry I can't help you :):):)


Will be up when i know how to use it :)



music code in here.


Wen Hao
Yu Fan
Zong Xian
Bo Jia
Sze Eng
Yun Ling
Wee Kian
Yi Jing
Jie Yan


January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009


Skin done by : Silents20
Templete code : SixSeven
Brushes used : ro-stock and debi-chiru
Pictures made by : ff-xiii.net Silents20
program used : adobe photoshop

Thursday, January 22, 2009

- :

La la la......... I'm back to blog le. So yep, school has started and there's nothing worthy of mentioning except some weird teachers la....... so naggy la. Never mind, don't feel like talking about her.

Ok, so tonight went to something like a company's dinner and sat beside a RJ guy who was same age as me. I'm unsure of how to describe him, it is like there is an arrogant soul inside him. You can see that from his eyes. However, i think that if you become friends with him he'll still be nice to you :)

Yea, not much more to say le..................... eh, to a certain someone............. dun ever skip school again la............... it feels so weird and somehow a bit bad. Okok, i shall not nag le. GO GO JIA YOU!!!

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
8:18 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

- MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :

Oh yea oh yea........ today's another sepcial day!!! My birthday.......... my birthday........... oh my.......... so old.............. such a large part of my life gone le........................... haha......... but luckily someone's older than me :):):) I'll outlive you I'll outlived you.............. you old boy old guy..............

Anyway, went to siloso with JY, YX, WD and Gay today again :):):) YX was nice............ he treated me to lunch.................... JY also not bad.............. he was the first one to remember my birthday............... WD was nice to me....................... Gay was the worst.............. Firstly, he forgot my drink and left it don't know where.................. Then he tried to niao me about whatever i say in a damn weird tone................. Lastly he injure my leg when i tried to slide tackle him in beach soccer.............. Where do you find such a guy hur???

Later, we went to orchard to play left 4 dead................... That was when I suddenly realised that I can play quite well when i'm in the opponent's team................... so noob when playing with the people i know................... Then i was kicked out of the game for no apparent reason at all............ I was playing so well la.................................. Hate them hate them.......................

Then went home and slept.................... Wake up le go eat dinner with family.................................. now am blogging and going to cut cake later........................... Okok........... that's it................ Byebye!!!!!

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
5:14 AM

Monday, January 12, 2009

- :

Hi everybody!!! Since i can't sleep and am feeling bored, i shall blog!!! hmmmmmmmmmm....... the biggest event today should be the release of the O' level results ba :0..................... luckily i got A1 otherwise i won't know what to do :):):) The greatest surprise was when i watched the news and found out that Sue Hern is the Top Student for 2008!!! Wow, that's really cool isn't it??? How i wish i'm also Top Student.................Congratulations then....... Sue Hern, although i know you and you may not know me................

And YEA........................ Wen Hao and I, together with ervin and some other unknown participants are going to sing on tuesday!!! COME ON COME ON......................... YEA BABY YEA BABY............... Hope that more people turn up :) CELEBRATION!!!!!

ps: hehe............... I suddenly remember how wen hao and I said that if a certain someone go we'll skip the activity ourselves :):):) I'm evil.................. i'm becoming evil............................i want to scold you............... but not in your face..................... yea...................... I FEEL GOOD!!! NA NA NA NA NA NA NA............................

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
8:59 AM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

- :



Hey, correct me if i'm wrong ok? cause i just type these on impulse.............


oh yea.....
wo wo yea.....
wo wo yea.............

Oh ya........... after reading some person's blog,
i was reminded of this song........


This is when i realized that there is the same amount of words for each verse.......
anyway, i feel so ironic........... i want to grow up to protect yet i'm scared of aging........ ha, what a joke.................. ah, i'm suddenly reminded of a song...........

if only i can turn back time................... if only i can stay when i'm still high........ :):):)

Oh ya, guys, my birthday coming leh............. 14th of january..............
Wish me happy birthday......................... tag tag tag :)
most importantly, wish me luck for the coming monday....................results coming out leh..............

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
3:05 AM

Friday, January 9, 2009

- :

hmmmmmmmmm....... i didn't know that keeping a blog is so tiring......... i'm so lazy to think about what to type................................. can anyone inspire me??? thanks :):):)

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
8:33 AM

Monday, January 5, 2009

- Dots day..................................... :

Hmmmmmmm......... i'm so worried now....... i wake up with aches every morning and have to sleep at least 12 hours a day.......... i wonder if something's wrong with my body....... maybe second puberty??? I hope so..........

Anyway, went to Siloso with yx, jy, gay and wu di on monday :):):) quite fun isn't it??? But none of us got the tan we wanted except jy............ that's a twinny little bit unfair but whatever.......

After the beach thingy, we went on to buy new school bags!!! Yeah!!! Haven't had a new school bag for 4 years....... i only change when i go on to a new school :)

That's it??? i got to go check out my body soon........... wish me luck........... anyway, O' levels higher chinese results coming out le leh......... i hope i get at least an A......... otherwise no more future with a cccm combination le...................................................................

By the way, who has the nanyang maths paper answer sheet??? Lend it to me........ i haven't started yet..................................

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
9:17 PM

Sunday, January 4, 2009

- Today's a special day!!! :

I just feel like singing today! let's go boys and girls.................Follow me!

Today's a special day X2
for you and me........
we like to say X2
happy teacher's day!!!
wo wo wo
happy teacher's day
wo wo wo
happy teacher's day
wo wo wo
happy teacher's day for all and everyone!

oh wo wo
happy teacher's day
oh wo wo
happy teacher's day
oh wo wo
happy teacher's day to our dear teachers....................

Next up should be a familiar tune to everyone.......

I love you
you love me
we are happy family
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you...........
won't you say you love me too!!!

Up next is for YU FAN!!!

Mary had a little lamb
little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
its fleece as white as snow.......

See? YU FAN! I sang FLEECE!!! Not FUR!
paiseh paiseh......... just feeling random :):):)

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
12:22 AM

Saturday, January 3, 2009

- My first....... :

yea....... my first post is up!!! Thanks to Weisheng :):):) hmmm........ there's not much i can say now cause not much things have happened recently except the fact that on monday i went to the co sec 4 farewell chalet and cycled from night till morning and went to JY's house for countdown party on wednesday........ Well, those are fun but it will be tiring to blog about them............. Let's skip those and just look at the sky......................... it's just pitch black today.................................

{she was all that I needed} // and my eyes change accordingly.
7:14 AM